Alfred M. Muli
CEO & President
Reverend Dr. Alfred Muli serves as corporate director of spiritual life for Acts Retirement Life Communities and serves as adjunct professor of Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University and Cairn University. He was born and raised in Kenya, East Africa where he received a Bachelor of Theology degree from Scott Christian University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Nairobi Leadership University. While in Kenya, he worked as a professor of Theology & Apologetics at Scott Christian University and served as a local church pastor. Alfred relocated to the USA in 2001 where he earned a Master of Theology degree from Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI, and a PhD from Westminster Theological Seminary, in Philadelphia, PA. As a young boy, Alfred made many friends at Muisuni Children’s Home where he visited frequently and played with the children. Alfred appreciates the God-given opportunity to help create a brighter future for the orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya. Alfred and his wife Nancy have four children, Sandi, Keith, Mark, & Mike. In his spare time, Alfred enjoys singing, playing guitar, watching soccer, playing ping-pong, and spending time with his family.